Wait a second!!! This is not the Einstein Theory of relativity (E=mc2).
This is my theory. In my view everything in this universe is relative. If one says he is rich.He is actually saying he is richer than some one else in some or other manner. One is never poor but he is always poorer. If a student is intelligent it means his class mates(Students of same age group) are not as intelligent as he his.
Imagine an era where every one has just one car one house and one job of same salary. Now tell me who is rich. Did you say every one. I think you are relating this scenario with your psychology. You are relating it with your knowledge. You are still thinking that there are people who don't have these amenities. So actually you are comparing.
Now if you can leave your definitions lil away for a while and think about another scenario where people have nothing. They are nomadic. They go places in search of food and live happily after getting it. They can sleep any where night falls. Now you are saying they are poor. I don't agree.I think they are as rich as the people of first scenario.
One is brave. That statement is a comparison. It says rest of his companions are not as brave as he is. If any one can go and join Army and confront with enemies or fight with wild animals there is no question who is brave.
One is Nice. It means rest of the people are actually not as nice as he is.One is a good cook.it means there is a possibility of cooking bad food.
I feel there is no adjective as such .There are only comparisons.One is braver than other or is richer or poorer.And I think this comparison is the motivation of doing things. This is the feeling of comparison which drives one towards betterment.
From child hood we always learn to do better and better and be in a better situation.This is the impetus to go on.
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9 years ago