Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Mentor Her

Mentorship is critical. As a small town girl, I have always craved for mentors. I seek guidance from my teachers, friends and their parents. Their advice and encouragement played an important part in choosing my majors and shaping my career.

Once I landed in Engineering college, I felt lost. Looking back I realize, the college was predominately filled with boys with less than 10% girls. While, boys socialized and received the appropriate guidance from their seniors. It was not available to girls unless you have support from boys. I remember joking to my friends that how having a boy friend actually helps you so much in getting through the assignments and exams.

In my first job, many design and career discussions happened over breaks. I told my boss that soon I may start smoking to participate in those discussions. Over the years, things have not changed much. Men still strategize more over the drinks or social gatherings. I secretly wish to be part of those informative discussions. But men feel uncomfortable and hesitant to invite the female counterparts.

In today's time of #Metoo moment, it is feared that hesitation will increase further. But we need men to involve women, guide them and encourage them. So don't exclude her, but mentor her. Mentor your friends, daughters, wives or yours colleagues. #MentorHer, #LeanIn