Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thank God they did not blame Pakistan for the mess at CWG.

Have been hearing about Common wealth games for past eight years. Madam Sheila Dixit won three consecutive terms because she was projected as making Apni Dilli a world class city on behest of CWG. Finally, the most awaited year 2010 arrived and all the preparation started tasting bitter. For past couple of months am listening and reading about it in all the papers. Today was extreme. I almost fell into tears while listening to BBC on the way to office. Why is it that each time word 'India' appears on TV/Radio its always associated with corruption & poverty. Still have doubts whether its the poverty which makes people corrupt or its the other way around.

Have many 'whats' and 'whys' in my mind. But want to think deeper. Is it just because of corrupt politicians and contractors.

Not explaining what is going at CWG but have many questions.

1) Why did India take this project? Was it just because our neighbour flaunted its power in Olympics.

2) Even if the govt took this project and wanted to showcase the shining India, why were these contracts not distributed to private firms.

3) When will out bureaucratic system end? When will people start taking responsibility? But the bigger question: Is it only a problem with 'Babu logs' or is it the issue with our basic upbringing. I believe its the attitude. I have seen in many occasions that even in prestigious IT sector other than handful of people most of the guys still want to enjoy the luxuries of Babu's without actually doing any good work. Even if they are forced to meet targets the quality of work is not equivalent to their international peers.

4) Where did billions go? If they had spent even 1/4th of the money on actual development of Delhi at least they could have contained river Yamuna.

List keeps growing. I don't know how the issues can be solved but I just want to know how can I be a part of change. In the end I just thank God that "They are not blaming this failure to Pakistan."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just making my first notify at neerugupta.blogspot.com, which seems to be a wonderful forum!